August 28, 2009


This week, Caleb's preschool curriculum arrived. We ran in from the pool to check it out.
I explained to him that it was his schoolwork. If you want to hear something very adorable,
you should listen to my boy say: "My schoolwork, Mommy?"
I chose the complete preschool curriculum from Timberdoodle for 3 to 4 year olds.
Yes, he is only 2 and a half. And initially, I was going to start in January, after he turned 3.
But he is ready.
Here, he checks out his first BrainBox.

The budding scientist. We've had this for two days now and each day, he asks to work with it. I still have to read it to figure out what to do with it.
Judging from his interest, we will probably do this experiment quite soon.

Inspecting the thinking putty...

and the construction set, Wedgits.

He gets to work right away

There is no time to waste. There is so much to learn.

And with that, our first year of homeschooling begins...

August 25, 2009

7 weeks

Ariana smiling

She has been smiling for many weeks now.

I finally captured it.

August 24, 2009

Conversation with a two-year-old

"Mommy, do you have csoki (chocolate)?"

"Oh, I don't think so, right now."

"Oh, we do, Mommy. I SHOW YOU! Look, up there!"

"Oh, there... uhm, thank you for showing me."

[He is such a helpful little guy.]

Little beauty

Little beauty

Photo of the Week

2009 Week 31

August 23, 2009

Finally... THE LAKE

As you can see, we finally made it back to the lake!
On Friday afternoon, under the threat of yet another rainshower,
I met my friend and her kids
at our city lake.
Ron being at work, I took both kids trepidatiously.
It was a smashing success.
Ariana slept in the sling the WHOLE TWO HOURS we were out there,
as we soaked up the late afternoon rays of a sun
that often disappeared behind cumulus clouds,
but no rain, at least not until we got home and began to exit the car.
Upon our arrival, Caleb, having just woken up from a nap on the way there,
slowly rejoined the land of the living
with exclamations of "Look, Mommy!" and "Lake!" -
a sure sign that he remembered being there two months ago.
I think we'll have to do this again.

No, I am not at all dressed for THE LAKE.

I am dressed for babysitting my children at THE LAKE.

And ease of breastfeeding. And apparently, portrait photography.

Actually, I did roll up my pants leg and take Caleb in to where the water was hitting his chest -

to look at the fish that were hanging around at arm's length.

August 22, 2009

Sing a song of sixpence

Dance Performance by Caleb

August 20, 2009

6 weeks

August 17, 2009

Sand and Water - another weekend on the deck

We spent another weekend kicking up our feet on our deck,
in our own little paradise of sand and water.
It is what you do when you have a newborn.
If you can't go to the beach, you bring the beach to you...
or as much of it as you can.
(Thanks for the sand, Papa!)
Our deck now does feel somewhat like the beach
what with the sand all over it, and also coating the bottom of the pool.
Because even if you might have notions of keeping the sand and water
you know, with a two year old, they're bound to mix at some point,
at which point you'll just wave your hand and say:

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