May 31, 2007

Dear Medicare

Dear Medicare:

It is so very kind of you to think of my birthday and to be concerned about my wellbeing in my upcoming senior years. It is also very thoughtful of you to offer me your services without answering health questions. Nonetheless, I would ask you to please stop sending me mail that begins with: “As you approach your 65th birthday...” or “As you approach this significant year in your life...”

You are right about this: I am approaching a significant year. However, you made a tiny little mistake in the numbers. (I’m not sure how you could have mistaken the 7 in 1972 for a 4?) I’m also not sure how you got a hold of my name and address. Although I do realize that the recent birth of my child may have given you your very first opportunity to obtain my personal information. You did not waste any time (I congratulate you on that), but acted swiftly, and packages from you began to arrive in my mailbox almost as soon as my baby and I arrived home. What I fail to grasp is how you made the connection between my being a patient in the Maternity Ward with my reaching retirement age (?!?). Though now that I think of it, modern medicine HAS accomplished a few miraculous things lately, including the extension of the childbearing years (recently I heard of a 60 year old giving birth), so you may truly have a point there.

I know that you are eager to welcome me as a Medicare customer (and I am grateful), but I have some unfortunate news for you: if all goes well, I have a good 30+ years of excellent health (and private insurance) ahead of me yet. I am so sorry to disappoint. I recognize that you’ve invested a lot in me already by sending me all those beautiful printed materials through the past 5 months (kudos to you for not giving up easily!).

Lastly, thank you for making me ponder this question: “When you reach 65, will your health care coverage keep up with you?” The answer does not come to me easily. I’d have to say, I don’t know. I sure hope so... Get back to me in about 30 years and I’ll let you know how that turned out.

(not yet) Yours,
A Future Elderly Citizen

May 24, 2007

Happy 5 months to you!!!

Happy 5 months to you!!!

May 23, 2007

A Mother's Reflections on the Father's Love

I’ve been thinking lately about how much more I understand now, as a parent, what God the Father felt when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ into this world. The perfect, pure Son who has never seen evil, who has never been touched by evil, but lived in perfect harmony from the beginning of time, was sent into this world and ridiculed, beaten, suffering at the whim of wicked men, his mission finally culminating in that moment of utter aloneness on the cross, when the Father turned His face away from him. How hard it must have been for God to allow His Son to go through that, for our benefit. They have always been together, and not only did they separate during Christ’s time on earth, but the Father had to forsake him in spirit as well, for that awful moment on the cross, when Christ was weighed down by our sins. How it must have broken the Father’s heart to turn His holy face away from his beloved Son! And how much the Father had to love us, in order to allow His Son to go through all that for us! I don’t think that being omnicient (knowing the outcome) made it any easier for Him to bear that moment in time.

As a mother, I know how much I love my son and seek to protect him. I cannot imagine sending my son into a den of lions for someone else’s sake! And that’s exactly what God did for us! What love the Father has toward us!

“For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6-8

May 17, 2007

100 Snapshots of Caleb

I thought it’d be fun to list 100 off-the-cuff observations about the STAR of my Blog:

1. He was born weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces; now he is over 17 pounds.
2. He’s a big eater. He works up a sweat when he eats.
3. His hair is drenched and I have to blow on it to cool him.
4. Sometimes he gets scared of certain furry toy animals.
5. For example, he got scared of the furry black creature on Sesame Street.
6. The first time he started crying while watching it, I didn’t know why.
7. The second time, I realized it was the furry thing, because he cried at the same part in the 8. show.
9. It’s rare that he cries anymore. So when he starts crying desperately during his beloved 10. show, that’s unusual.
10. Another thing he got scared of was his new lion teething toy.
11. But only when I held it up and acted like it was talking.
12. When he’s drifting off to sleep, he can be frightened by loud yawns, coughs, or laughter. 13. He’s sensitive that way.
14. When he gets frightened, he cries like he did when he was a tiny baby.
15. But he is quickly comforted.
16. He has the cutest little pout.
17. He pouts first when he gets scared of something. Or if he gets sad.
18. He also pouted once when touched by music.
19. The music was Beethoven. He loves Beethoven.
20. He also enjoys his Baby Beethoven DVD.
21. He is content to sit in his bouncy and watch the show.
22. His left leg never stops. Only the left.
23. It kicks incessantly, in order to rock himself in the bouncy.
24. He has figured out that’s what he needs to do to rock.
25. He is trying to sit up now.
26. He will pull forward in the bouncy or when laying down.
27. He can roll over both ways. Easily.
28. But he can’t stay on his arms for long periods.
29. After he gets tired, he starts whimpering.
30. He gets tired after just a few minutes.
31. I constantly have to turn him unto his back.
32. But within a minute, he’s back on his tummy.
33. It’s an endless cycle. It’s easier to have him in his bouncy.
34. But he needs to exercise, so we keep playing this game.
35. He’s a big sleeper. He still sleeps many hours a day.
36. He also sleeps at night, waking up only to eat.
37. He sleeps next to me, so he searches for me, nurses, and falls back to sleep.
38. When I work on the computer, he sleeps on my lap on the Boppy.
39. When he first wakes up in the middle of the night, he’s cranky.
40. Unless he finds the breast before he fully rouses. Then he’s fine.
41. Breastfeeding is as much a comfort to him, as it is food.
42. He has a strong sucking reflex still.
43. Sometimes I can trick him in the middle of the night and give him the pacifier instead.
44. Especially when I know that he’s not hungry.
45. He doesn’t use the pacifier much otherwise. Only as a teething tool.
46. When he’s first awakening, he thrashes about wildly, ending with many exaggerated stretching movements. He needs a few minutes to fully wake up.
47. He smiles a lot. This kid WANTS to be happy.
48. Even when he’s upset or sad, or hungry, he tries to smile when I smile at him.
49. He’s got a great sense of humor. He understands my jokes.
50. When I make funny faces, funny sounds, or when I roughhouse him.
51. Yes, I roughhouse him. He loves it.
52. When something tickles his funny bone, he laughs out loud.
53. He especially laughs hard if I’m also laughing. We play off of each other.
54. Then, he doesn’t want to stop laughing, even after the novelty of the joke has worn off.
55. He mostly laughs at stuff I do, but he also finds things in shows amusing, like the Rubber Ducky Song (you’ve seen the video).
56. But he usually doesn’t find it amusing more than once. Kind of like “I’ve heard that joke before. Got anything new?”
57. When he sits next to me in his bouncy and I’m on the computer, he just stares at me.
58. When I look at him, he’ll break into a huge grin.
59. He looks for my eye and can’t wait to have me look at him. He’ll coo to encourage me to do so.
60. Often when he grins, he wrinkles his nose and opens his mouth wide.
61. He uses little coughs now to get attention.
62. Or to let us know that he has found something slightly funny, interesting, or enjoyable (when he’s not outright laughing).
63. I think that coughs are an easy way for him to make a sound, to communicate.
64. He is ticklish.
65. If I’m adjusting his clothes or his diaper, he’ll start chuckling.
66. He doesn’t cry when he’s hungry. Sometimes he whimpers if I’ve waited very long to feed him. But mostly he waits for me to nurse him.
67. I know, because several times, he’d start nursing like he’s famished. I’d be amazed that he wasn’t making more noise to get his food.
68. I think that he trusts that his food is coming. Mommy knows.
69. When he first starts nursing, he has a look of concentration in his eyes. As if to say, “This is serious business.” I love that look.
70. If he’s very hungry, he’ll also whimper for the first few minutes, until he starts to fill up.
71. Things can distract him from his hunger. Like Sesame Street, a walk, a car ride, or playing with us.
72. He is teething now big time.
73. He makes this deep guttural sound. He has done this for quite a few weeks.
74. It seems to be getting worse for him. He also makes whiny, whimpering sounds next to his throaty sounds these days. Poor little guy’s hurting.
75. He eats his hands, chews my fingers and teething toys, takes homeopathic teething tablets and Baby Orajel for it. They don’t help much.
76. Except for the other night, when I gave him BOTH the teething tablet and the Orajel and he was VERY quiet in the sling during our dinner. I may have overdosed him on it a bit. Oops. (...)
77. But what really helps is if I play with him; he’ll forget that he’s hurting.
78. Or again, his shows or a walk will completely distract him from his troubles. He LOVES walks!
79. He still has his serious side.
80. He can stare so seriously at things, people, or his show at times. Sometimes it’s hard to rouse him from his concentration.
81. He likes baths. He has NEVER cried in his bath.
82. But I’ve noticed, that he’s not completely relaxed in it either. He doesn’t smile as easily when he’s in the water as at other times. So I think that he might have a little apprehension towards the water. He keeps his guard up.
83. He likes to watch my screensaver. He recognizes me on the pictures; he smiles and coos in response (since 2 months old).
84. He babbles, trying to talk. He holds my gaze and we communicate with each other for as much as 20 minutes, at times. But he has to be the one to initiate it.
85. He still expresses all kinds of emotions in his sleep (smile, laugh, cry, rapid loud breathing, etc.).
86. He also purses his lips in his sleep. Same as on the first photo we ever had of him, the 20 week ultrasound.
87. He still grabs and holds on to his ear or his hair while sleeping.
88. I found a birthmark on his third toe (right foot).
89. He has the fastest growing fingernails in history.
90. His hair is still unmanageable. But I refuse to cut it.
91. He loved his banana and sweet potato (when mommy cheated).
92. He startles when I suddenly walk back to where he is. So I try to start talking to him before I get there.
93. He likes being in the sling. He recognizes it when I pull it out.
94. He can be pulled to a standing position. He holds that position now indefinitely. We only need to balance him.
95. He’s got very strong legs. No more buckling knees.
96. He has started reaching out for things. Willfully. (This has been a bit slow in coming.)
Instead of his thumb, he sucks his index finger. Or the middle finger. Or the pinkie. Or all at once. Anything, but the thumb!
97. He is fascinated with my camera. (He knows it real well.)
98. He loves it when Daddy lifts him straight up and down. Daddy’s rocking (or dancing) can also comfort him real well.
99. He intently watches us eat. He has understood for a long time that what goes into our mouth is food.
100. He knows how to “kiss” – opening his mouth wide as he nears mommy’s face.

May 15, 2007

Upon Jerry Falwell's passing

I’m going to diverge from the usual subject of my Blog today to say a few words upon Jerry Falwell’s passing, which happened this morning.

I met Jerry Falwell in person once. When I was a student at his university, my sister and I were walking back from the movies one day, soon after we started our education there. As we were making the long trek up the hill, we noticed an SUV stop next to us. There was Jerry Falwell and another person, offering us a ride. We rode up and as we were getting ready to get out, Dr. Falwell handed us each a bill (I don’t remember exactly, but I believe it was $20). We were international students and didn’t have much money; the gesture was surely appreciated. But more than that, it showed me who Dr. Falwell is. A great leader, yes, but also a grandfather-type who truly cares about his students. It made me feel special and welcome at his university. I have never forgotton it. And over the years, every time I’ve seen Dr. Falwell, there was always a recognition in his eyes, a smile, and a wave for me. How he could remember me after all those years, I don’t know.

I admired Jerry Falwell for several things. He has lived a bold life. He has lived his life with the clear purpose of glorifying God. He has done some great things. He founded the Moral Majority. He awoke many Christians to the importance of getting involved in the political process, of taking responsibility for the course our country is on, and not just stand by and watch. He founded Liberty University, with it creating a positive place for young Christian men and women to go to for an education, and not just an education, but a place where they could meet people who inspire and encourage them in their Christian faith. I met many quality young people, who encouraged me through my years there. Whereas a secular university is a place of unbridled hedonism, selfish liberalism, a constant denial of God, and often great loneliness, the culture at Liberty University was one where purity, passion for God, and love for your fellow men was the norm. Although I disagreed with Dr. Falwell’s theology on certain points, I admired his commitment to his God. I admired how he got up at the break of dawn each morning to give the first time of the day in quiet dedication to God. I admired how being a devoted husband and father was a priority to him. I admired how he started from humble beginnings and has built, through faith, determination, and a purpose, a church and a university. His legacy will live on for many years. I can say of him that he ran the course purposed for him well. It makes me want to run the course purposed for me better.

So this day is sad, because he is gone from among us, but it is also a happy day, because he gets to meet his Lord. To Dr. Falwell, this day is a day of celebration and a day of receiving his well-earned crown. It is a day of going home.

I wrote a poem last year about The Heavenly Home and I think that this day would be a fitting day to present it here (English translation, Hungarian original below). This is my imagination. The reality, I’m certain, is much-much better.


I am dreaming –
Of a place that is Reality
It is past the skies, outside the solar system
And yet so near:
in my heart
I already see my home, where the King sits on His throne.
I see the glass sea and the golden street,
The pearl gates and the holy city
The pure water of life
God’s holy dwelling place
The new heavens and the new earth, where righteousness reigns.
Where a thousand years are like one day, and one day like a thousand years
Where we cease to count the time
Where there is no need for sun or moon, because God Himself shines as Light
Where the righteous see the face of God.

I am dreaming –
Of a place that is absolute Reality
Where the day never ends and the night never comes
Where there is no celestial body, yet the sunset remains:
God paints the sky with His word
In thousands of new spectrums of color.
Where the four seasons dwell next to each other
Yet, there is a perpetual Summer
and the flowers never wilt.
Where the most majestic mountains, rivers, islands, and oceans have been formed –
The Grand Canyon’s wonders cannot compare to this home.

I am dreaming –
Of a place, where all dreams come true
Where my Father is preparing me a dwelling not made by hand
Where all knowledge is freely given
And where God’s Word stands forever open.
Where trees clap their hands and mountains reverberate with the hymn of praise
I, too, echo their song!
With the piano, with the clarinet
And with every kind of instrument not learned,
With a loudly ringing voice
I praise the Lord in His mighty firmament!

I am dreaming of the place,
Where Moses, Abraham, and David also dwell
And many, many saints of the ages: all those, who loved God.
Angels look upon us with holy awe
As we cry with one heart and soul: Our Dear Papa!
And as we look at Him
– this is a great mystery –
we change to the same likeness as He.

I am dreaming.
Of a place, where man does not tire from his activities
Because an incorruptible, ever-young body he inherits
And our movements are not limited, the body does not hinder our freedom.
I slide down a rainbow and fly through azure skies
If I wish, like a bird.
The laws of time and space no longer stand in my way.
I cross swift rivers, glide down snow-covered mountains.
I touch the clouds. This is the land of possibilities.
I frolic with the whales, I run to and fro with the lions. A bird finds its perch on me.
Every animal lives in peace with man here, for there is no more fear.

Merrily I skip and hop through fields and forests
And every flower smiles for me along the way
Adventure awaits, exploration, and creative work too
Which bring joy without toil
I receive tasks suited to me from the Lord
And He brings the best out of me.
I serve Him and reign with Him
I see Him face to face
I know as I am known
and I inherit everything.

I am invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb
The Lord Jesus hosts the event.
I prepare myself, as His Bride
I put on my bright garment, in pure white.
Together we eat and drink of the new wine, we celebrate.
We become one with the Lord and are forever one with Him.
This is the most magnificent supper the universe has ever seen.

God’s deep love fills the atmosphere
There is never an end to the rejoicing, jubilee, and the dance.
One look from God wipes away every tear
No longer are the former things remembered.
God is everything in everything
His Person – an exciting, inexhaustible fountain
for an eternal lifetime.

I am dreaming of a place that is not just a dream:
It is my Home
Where there is fullness of joy on the right hand of God,
Delights forevermore.
Yes, where there are delights forever and evermore.


Álmodozom –
Egy olyan helyrõl, amely Valóság
Az egeken túl van, a naprendszeren kívül
Mégis oly közel:
a szívemben
látom már az én otthonom, hol a Király trónol.
Az üvegtengert és az aranyutcát,
A gyöngykapukat és a szent várost
Az élet kristálytiszta vizét
A mi Istenünk Szentséggel díszített lakhelyét
Az új eget és az új földet, ahol igazság lakozik.

Ahol ezer esztendõ olyan mint egy nap, és egy nap mint ezer esztendõ
Ezért nem számláljuk többé az idõt.
Ahol nincs szükség sem napra, sem holdra, mert Isten maga a Világosság.
Ahol az igazak meglátják Isten orcáját.

Álmodozom –
Egy helyrõl, mely színtiszta Valóság
Ahol soha nem ér véget a nap és az éjszaka soha el nem közelget
Hol égitest nincs, de naplemente van:
Isten szavával festi az égre
A színskála ezernyi új árnyalatát.
Ahol a négy évszak egyszerre lakozik egymás mellett
Mindazonáltal örökös a Nyár és nem hervad el a virág.
Ahol a legfenségesebb hegyek, folyók, szigetek és tengerek teremttettek –
A Grand Canyon csodája
Nem mérhetõ ezekhez.

Álmodozom –
Egy helyrõl, ahol minden álom valóra válik
Ahol nem kézzel épített hajlékot készít az Atyám
Ahol könyv nélkül megragadható minden tudomány
És Isten Igéje örökre nyitva áll.
Ahol tapsolnak a fák és a hegyek dícsõítõ himnusztól zengedeznek –
Zongorával, klarinéttal
És mindenféle nem tanult hangszerrel is,
Hangommal harsogón
Dícsérem az Urat az Õ hatalmának boltozatán!

Álmodozom arról a helyrõl,
Hol Mózes, Ábrahám és Dávid is lakozik
És az idõk sok-sok szentje: mindaz, aki Istent szerette.
Angyalok szent bámulattal tekintenek miránk
Amint egy szívvel-lélekkel kiáltjuk: Édesapucikánk!
És ahogy nézzük Õt
– ez nagy titok! –
ugyanazon ábrázatra elváltozunk.

Egy helyrõl, ahol nem fárad el az ember tevékenységétõl
Mert romolhatatlan, örökifjú testet örököl
És nincs korlát a mozgásban, a test nem gátolja a szabadságot.
Lecsúszok a szivárványon, azúrkék égbolton át szárnyalok
Ha kedvem tartja, mint a madár.
A tér s idõ törvénye már utamba nem áll.
Sebes folyót átszelem, csúszkálok a havas hegygerincen.
Megérintem a felhõket. Lehetõségek országa ez.
Játszok a bálnákkal, oroszlánokkal futkározok. Leszáll rám egy madár.
Minden állat békességben él az emberrel itt, mert a félelem már nem létezik.

Vidáman szökdécselek erdõkön-mezõkön át
S nevet nekem minden virág.
Vár a kaland, felfedezés, vár a kreatív munka
Mely fáradság nélkül ad örömöt
Hozzám illõ feladatot kapok az Úrtól,
A legjobbat hozza ki belõlem Õ.
Szolgálok Neki és uralkodok Vele
Színrõl-színre látom Õt
Úgy ismerek, mint ahogy engem is ismernek
És örökségül nyerek mindent.

A Bárány mennyegzõjére vagyok hivatalos
Megvendégel engemet az Úr Jézus.
Elkészítem magamat, mint Menyasszony
Ragyogó fehér ruhámat felöltöm.
Együtt eszünk és iszunk az új borból, ünnepelünk.
Egyesülünk és az Úrral örökre egyek leszünk.
A világmindenség legpompásabb vacsorája ez.

Isten mélységes szerelme betölti az atmoszférát
Soha nem ér véget az ujjongás, a vígasság és a tánc.
Isten pillantása eltöröl minden könnyet, rossz emléket
A régiek még csak meg sem említtetnek.
Isten lesz minden mindenben
Személye izgalmas, kimeríthetetlen forrás
egy örök életre.

Álmodozom egy olyan helyrõl, amely nem csak álom:
ez Otthonom
Hol teljes öröm van Isten jobbján,
Gyönyörûségek örökké.
Bizony, ahol gyönyörûségek vannak örökkön örökké.

May 13, 2007

I'm a Mother

A card appeared last week in my inbox. I read the subject line: “Affectionate Mother’s Day Wishes from Kornelia.” Now, it may be that my brain has turned to goo in the last month from too much work, but my first thought was: Why in the world is my sister sending me a Mother’s Day card??!? Followed by a very close second: Oh, right. I’m a MOTHER!

It’s not that I forgot about Caleb’s existence. Exactly the opposite: I think that I’ve been concentrating on HIS life from the moment of conception. That a new heart is beating. A new soul has entered the world. A new life has begun – with my assistance. Not that it didn’t occur to me that I’m a mother, but it DIDN’T OCCUR TO ME THAT I’M A MOTHER!!! I mean, the kind who receives Mother’s Day cards and well wishes on Mother’s Day!

(I was already fully aware that I was the kind who gave life, and who cleans up poopy diapers, and who breastfeeds her child to sleep...)

Looking back, all my life I have wanted to be a mother. I had “planned out” my imaginary children when I was a little girl. As I began praying for a child, I received the heart of a mother. One that wants to sacrifice, give of herself, and serve. I truly did become a mother from the moment of conception, being very aware of the great responsibility I had to eat the right foods, think the right thoughts, and keep my emotional life positive, as they would all affect the child inside of me on some level. During my pregnancy, I read piles of books and conducted extensive research on every related subject imaginable, in my quest to ensure the best care for my child. When he was born, I instantly bonded with him. As we began our lives together, I found that no amount of research can equal my God-given maternal instincts. Everyday mothering came naturally. A long-awaited, welcome progression of my life. In the early weeks, it also became clear to me that as the mother, I am everything to my baby. I took that role seriously. His physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being became my number one priority. And the responsibilities continued. I knew full well that every word he hears and every action he witnesses will imprint on his life and on who he becomes. And I recognized that every prayer uttered on his behalf would make the path before him smoother in this life.

So, I’ve been practicing motherhood now for over a year, in one way or another. But I never really stopped to think that I’ve joined a new category of women, the category of my own mother, and that Mother’s Day is now a celebration of me, too. The word MOTHER still represents to me my own mother, not me (this may change once my child actually calls me by that name!).

There are yet many more rivers to cross in this journey of motherhood. I’ve got a wonderful example set before me in my own mother. But I think there is still a transition to come, when I begin to think of myself more as a mother, rather than as a young girl. And hopefully, the time will come when I won’t be doing a double take when I receive a Mother’s Day card.

May 7, 2007

Choose NOW: Caleb or The President

An invitation came today: “Sherry and I are pleased to invite you to an evening with our very special guest, President George W. Bush on Friday, May 18th at our home in Richmond, Virginia. The purpose of the evening is to support the Republican Party of Virginia. Space is extremely limited for this event, so I encourage you to call XY at XY number as soon as possible to get more details and confirm your attendance...” Thoughts swirl in my head. Can we? We must! The President! Can we?? We cannot!! Caleb!!!

The realization hits me that not only do we not have a dependable babysitter, but we’ve never left our baby with this non-existent babysitter, or anyone else for that matter, for ANY amount of time before, much less for many hours. And even if we DID have a babysitter, there’s that small problem of breastfeeding. I can’t exactly be running off for 6+ hours without nursing my baby during that time! The drive alone is several hours. Impossible. And we don’t have days to decide. We must decide NOW or forfeit our place to some other hopeful. These events fill quickly. Impossible.

But the President! At someone’s HOUSE!

We cannot go. Our only hope is that they will keep sending us these invitations and someday, once there’s no baby in OUR house, we’ll be able to attend these types of events once again. Caleb, sweetie, if you ever read this, just KNOW what we gave up for you!

May 4, 2007

Cheating Mommy

Well, I must confess. I fed him solids. Yes, at 4 months old. There. It’s out.

Some of you know that I had planned to hold off on feeding Caleb solids until he was 6 months old (the latest research supports delaying solids for many reasons, which I don’t feel like enumerating right now).

My excuses:
1. This kid is READY for solids, as evidenced by the fact that he absolutely DOVE at the spoon with the sweet potato on it. (I realize this is kind of a lame excuse, because readiness isn’t necessarily evidenced by eagerness... or hunger... And even if he’s ready outwardly, internally his digestive system is still that of a 4 month old’s. GULP. But in my defense, he IS able to sit up, he DOESN’T have the tongue thrust reflex anymore, and he’s been VERY interested in what we’re eating since he was 2 months old.)
2. He is a big baby and may need more calories. (I don’t even know why I wrote this down. He’s been fine on breastmilk and it is actually more loaded with fat and nutrients ounce for ounce, which is what he needs. GULP.)
3. I wanted to see his response to solid foods. As a matter of fact, I could hardly wait. The curiosity was KILLING ME! (This is a very real excuse, but... GULP.)
4. Countless OTHER 4 month olds (and younger) are eating solids! (This is on the same level as: “But Johnny’s mommy lets him do it!” DOUBLE GULP.)

Now, I do realize that I’ve only fed him solids a total of 3 times: BANANA, BANANA, SWEET POTATO. Not the end of the world. It’s not like it’s a daily thing. And I know that a generation ago, we were all fed solids much earlier. But I did decide, looking at the benefits, and I should really stick with it. There’ll be plenty more time for sweet potato messes, and sticky fingers, and orange spots on mommy’s white linen shirt. So, BabyCakes, no more solids for you until you are at least 6 months old! I promise!!! (I’m sorry, I know you LOVED it!)

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