April 30, 2010

Caleb and Ariana

April 26, 2010

In the Eye of the Beholder

Caleb has a toy snake. It's an orange colored, ugly looking thing with fangs, and it is squishy and rubbery in texture, almost like a real snake - at least I think that's what a real snake would feel like, if I ever actually touched and squished one. No, thanks.

The snake looks like a cobra. It's hideous.

Anyway, his father bought it for him. But you already knew that.

I hate that snake, I really do. I try to stay away from it, because it creeps me out just to look at it, much less to touch it, and on the rare occasion that I find the baby with it and must disentangle her chubby little fingers from the snake's squishy body or make her release her teething bite from the snake's fangs, well you can just imagine my JOY.

So this afternoon, I'm picking up the floor a little, and of course there is the snake, and I must touch it now, and it creeps me out yet again, and as I quickly toss it in a bin with the other toys, I can't help myself, but utter: "Eew, I don't like that snake."

Caleb is sitting at the other end of the room, doing one of his activities, but takes notice, looks up and says, "What? What did you say?" And I repeat, "I don't like that snake."

At which he speaks in his bright little voice, defending the shunned toy: "I like that snake! It's beautiful for me!!"

Well, who can argue with that? I guess, it's all in the eye of the beholder.

April 24, 2010

Guess the riddle... eat the food!

Before I even had a chance to think, my clever boy shouts out:

So, guess what he got to eat early this Saturday morning?
(Black Cherry Sorbet, if you must know)

That's how we roll in this homeschool!

The weird thing is, he's had an ice cream cone, oh about three times

in his entire lifetime - all documented with photos, mind you -

so that makes his swift response all the more marvelous.

In other news, he now writes his name - I discovered this morning -

with a bit of a lopsided B

but considering that we didn't really drill this...

I was quite surprised.

As he writes his name, he names the letters: C-A-L-E-B

I think it's quite nice handwriting for a boy

who turned 3 years old just a few months ago!

Don't you think?

(By the way, we are working with a Comprehensive Kindergarten Curriculum right now - even though we're still calling it "preschool." :) Apparently, he is more than ready.)

April 20, 2010

Monday morning

Schoolwork in the sun.

While Ariana looks on.

April 17, 2010

April 15, 2010

Talented artist

Check out my three year old drawing this morning...
Wow, all of a sudden he can draw things we recognize.
"It's mommy and baby," he told me.
"I did it all by myself."
"Oh, I forgot to draw the hair. She has LONG hair." :)

April 12, 2010

Pajama school

So, I am grabbing the moments to record the lives of my little ones...
Grabbing the camera in the midst of my work to record their work
early in the morning...
And taking a moment out of my ever busy night to bring it to you...
Otherwise, my children's lives might never get recorded...
and you might never have the chance to see it.

April 11, 2010

There's a tooth (or five) in there ready to pop through

Check out her swollen upper gums!
At least, she can still laugh!

April 10, 2010

Where's God?

April 6, 2010

April 4, 2010

April 3, 2010

A very good Saturday

I had the day off today, which was a sweet surprise this Easter weekend.
Spent the whole day with the kids. It was a very good day.
We went to see friends in the morning



running around the pool

collected acorns, had a snack, and laughed a lot.

Then, at Caleb's request, we went to the park.

(You're not too tired to go to the park?

No, Mommy, I'm all right.)

walked the bleachers

checked out the baseball fields and a fast-moving stream


some of us for the very first time

others of us for the first time in 6 months

It was a great day, indeed.

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