July 18, 2009

Parents to two children

The other day I was alone with both kids for the first time. It was a taste of what our days will be like, just me and the kids, once the family leaves. It went surprisingly well, though I am not yet fully functional (can't lift anything heavier than the baby, can't bend down properly) due to the surgery. There was a period of time that both kids were asleep and it was just so peaceful. I was even able to get some work done. Then, Caleb woke up 10 minutes into his nap needing to pee and afterwards he laid down at my feet, hugging my feet, to fall back to sleep when he saw that I was nursing the baby.

Caleb seems to have grown so much in the past couple of weeks. He has been wonderful. He is the most helpful little guy. Anytime the baby cries, he lets me know: "Mommy, baby cry!" When he hears that the diaper needs changing, he grabs the diaper bag and the wipes and tells me to lay the baby down on the ottoman. When he sees that the baby needs to eat, he runs to get me the Boppy pillow, even when I don't ask for it. He hugs and kisses the baby all the time. He is already a wonderful big brother and I cannot wait to see his relationship with Ariana begin to develop.

Having a baby is a life-changing event, and it is no different with the second one. We are still a little shocked when we think that we are now parents to two children. We are no longer a small family of three; we no longer outnumber the child. At the same time, the future with the two of them holds so much more promise than when we had just one. The few hours I had alone with my babies thrilled me with the joy of realizing that I have been blessed with two lives to watch over, two personalities to see unfold, two children with whom to share all the good times to come. I am keenly aware that we are living the best years of our lives and I am eager to soak it all in, to enjoy each moment with these beautiful children that God has given us.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! That is so sweet that Caleb is being such a good big brother!!


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