February 18, 2009

A family Valentine

Caleb and I spent a wonderful Valentine's weekend in New Jersey with family. My mom had flown in from Hungary the previous week to help out with my sister's new baby for a while and we were eager to see her. We wondered whether Caleb would remember her. He did. When we parted at the weekend's end, he cried for a long time as he repeated "Mama, Mama" and pointed to the front carseat, wanting her to come with us. Hopefully, it won't be long until we see each other again.

Caleb of course remembered his paternal grandparents too, and when some of the promised people (Pop Pop, Aunt Jen) were not immediately available upon arrival, he ran through the house, looking for them, repeating their names. His eyes got big when he finally got to see Jen that evening.

Natalia had grown a lot in the past couple of months. She is growing into a beautiful little lady. Caleb's reaction to his young cousin was amazing. He was constantly hugging her, kissing her, giving her "Coca" (pacifier), caressing her head, gently inspecting her tiny fingers, pointing out her nose, her eyes, her hair. My sweet little boy is so affectionate! He is always that way with us, but this was just precious. I think we have good things to expect when the new baby arrives.

We were feasted this past weekend by two grandmothers, having our fill of Hungarian gulyás and pastry, as well as an elaborate Valentine's steak dinner complete with lavish chocolate desserts. But beyond the great food, it was a very special and rare occasion to have both grandmothers present at the same time. (Caleb wore his "Heart Grandma" shirt to show his appreciation.)

I know that Caleb just absolutely loved this weekend, seeing everybody again. He is totally falling in love with Baby Natalia. He was also very friendly with his Aunt Kornelia, climbing into her lap and lying there, pretending he's a baby. When I ask him if he had a good time, he giggles with remembrance and repeats everybody's name. He asks to look at the pictures and loves to point out everything and everyone on them.

Here are a few of those pictures.

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