January 17, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

The first day of Kindermusik was sadly cancelled today - but happily, the reason was snow! You all know how I just LOVE SNOW! So although Caleb and I (well, I) have been impatiently looking forward to our musical class finally starting back up (it was delayed a week already from the initially announced start date), the reason was a good one (not a legitimate one, cause you know we live in the South and they cancel everything when there's a mere dusting of snow on the ground; with this kind of approach, the North would have to shut down for the entire winter season; however, it was good that if Kindermusik had to be cancelled, AT LEAST WE GOT SNOW INSTEAD!).

So this is the first real snowfall of the winter and this time, it's more than a dusting. About 2-3 inches have fallen so far, I'd say. We're taking advantage of it, for sure. I'm pulling out the snowsuit and boots we've received so generously from my friend's kids, and gearing up the stroller (with attached winter covering) for a wintry stroll through the white neighborhood. If it hasn't melted, we will frolic and play in the powdery stuff. (Powdery stuff, please don't melt until then).

Caleb has already been out in the snow early in the dark morning and he stares out the deck door every time he passes it, pointing and inquisitively watching what this white stuff is falling from the sky and beginning to lay a white cover over everything. (Yes Cakes, snow is quite magical, even to an adult. Except for when you have to drive in it, or shovel it, or clean it off your bushes, or so I've heard some adults say. But I must say, your Mama never minded any of the above. Besides, none of those things will happen to you for another 10 years or so and until then, there's only sledding and skiing and skating and snowshoeing (this one, soon!) and snowmen making and snowball fights. And wintry stroller rides through a white neighborhood. So enjoy!)

I will surely thrill everyone with some snowy pictures later in the day (if the snow cooperates and my batteries sufficiently recharge by then). Let it snow!

And later...

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