May 31, 2007

Dear Medicare

Dear Medicare:

It is so very kind of you to think of my birthday and to be concerned about my wellbeing in my upcoming senior years. It is also very thoughtful of you to offer me your services without answering health questions. Nonetheless, I would ask you to please stop sending me mail that begins with: “As you approach your 65th birthday...” or “As you approach this significant year in your life...”

You are right about this: I am approaching a significant year. However, you made a tiny little mistake in the numbers. (I’m not sure how you could have mistaken the 7 in 1972 for a 4?) I’m also not sure how you got a hold of my name and address. Although I do realize that the recent birth of my child may have given you your very first opportunity to obtain my personal information. You did not waste any time (I congratulate you on that), but acted swiftly, and packages from you began to arrive in my mailbox almost as soon as my baby and I arrived home. What I fail to grasp is how you made the connection between my being a patient in the Maternity Ward with my reaching retirement age (?!?). Though now that I think of it, modern medicine HAS accomplished a few miraculous things lately, including the extension of the childbearing years (recently I heard of a 60 year old giving birth), so you may truly have a point there.

I know that you are eager to welcome me as a Medicare customer (and I am grateful), but I have some unfortunate news for you: if all goes well, I have a good 30+ years of excellent health (and private insurance) ahead of me yet. I am so sorry to disappoint. I recognize that you’ve invested a lot in me already by sending me all those beautiful printed materials through the past 5 months (kudos to you for not giving up easily!).

Lastly, thank you for making me ponder this question: “When you reach 65, will your health care coverage keep up with you?” The answer does not come to me easily. I’d have to say, I don’t know. I sure hope so... Get back to me in about 30 years and I’ll let you know how that turned out.

(not yet) Yours,
A Future Elderly Citizen

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