April 18, 2007

Deadlines, Taxes, and more Deadlines...

Whew! We had a crazy week! Between my working 16-18 hour days to meet a big deadline, all the while taking care of BabyCakes (that’s Caleb), who spent most of that time camped out on my lap, and trying to find a free hour in the middle of it all to dig out our records, thumb through them, make many, many, (many!) calculations, in order to finally produce, together with Ron, what is known as OUR TAX RETURN, I’m proud to say that we did it!!!

I feel like I’ve achieved a task of superhuman effort with this project. I used to take for granted being able to work hours like this without too much trouble, but throw a baby into the equation and you’ve got CRAZY going on! Take this morning, for instance. Just as my deadline was rapidly approaching with twenty-some more pages still to proof, Caleb woke up at the most inopportune moment – REALLY needing me... It’s almost impossible to do concentrated work with a squirming, kicking, sucking, teething infant on your lap. Still made it, but only by the seat of my pants.

Today, there are neat little piles of bills spread out on our living room floor (they're lovely)... a big pile of unsorted (at least clean) laundry in our bedroom... dishes piled high in the sink... fast-food boxes everywhere... and well, let’s just say, everyone’s personal grooming has suffered in the past week. So, I get a day off before I go back into the trenches again with a month-long project. It’s good money, but I don’t have any illusions. It’s going to be HARD WORK. It will be a joint family effort: Ron will take over much of the cooking, shopping, etc., and Caleb’s cooperation is just as much needed, in order to make this a success. (He’s been teething terribly lately. No sign of any teeth yet, just lots of saliva, chewing, hands in mouth... I was hoping for a couple more months of toothless grins! But if they must come, let them come.)

I’m just glad that we are done with today. The Deadline has been met. The Tax Returns have been sent. For now, all is well with the world.

(Got to go, the Baby seriously needs a bath!) :)

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