December 2, 2008

December is here... and no heat, no hot water

This morning, we woke up to the first day of December and proceeded to enjoy our morning with the coffee and the Nutella-smeared cinnamon raisin bread and the wonderful togetherness of family. Also, with a hail shower that came down for a few minutes, but what the heck, we're inside, the hail is outside - LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BALLS OF ICE!

A few hours later, I made my way down to the basement to take care of some laundry, and I noticed a smell. A smell of some type of noxious gas, to be exact.

The gas company came, but not before Caleb and I hurriedly escaped from our home, just in case... leaving Daddy behind. It turned out, the smell was not natural gas after all, but CARBON MONOXIDE (which, I don't understand how I could smell, since it's supposed to be odorless, but maybe EXTRA SENSITIVE PREGNANCY NOSE?)

Our water heater needs a new motor. A motor that is going to take until Wednesday or Thursday to arrive and be installed. Until then, the water heater is turned off, as to not allow any more carbon monoxide to vent into our basement. Until then, there is no hot water, no heat in the house.

It is now about 64 degrees Fahrenheit in the house and falling. A little on the chilly side, I'd say.

Tomorrow, we're going to check into a local hotel. Luckily we have a Gift Certificate for one night's stay that we are supposed to use until the end of this month (and which we've had for a year now, not knowing what to do with it). As a matter of fact, just this morning, before we knew our predicament, I was asking when we should have our stay in our free hotel. It turns out, very soon.

I am glad that I was able to finish my big projects tonight and can spare a day of no work, but really, no more than a day.

Tomorrow is also our first ultrasound appointment, so there will be much boiling of water in the morning for the preparation of some kind of a bath. So we're some kind of decent when we go out into the world. It should be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for the pregancy 'nose!' Glad you are all safe. :-) Looking forward to seeing you soon.


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