February 27, 2010

Mission today: make children happy!

Kind of like this. These were actually taken yesterday, when I had about an hour respite from my work and we ventured out into the backyard in the 40ish degree weather. How did we keep warm? We (well, mostly Caleb) ran around a lot. And why don't we have coats on? Because we were optimistic about the temperature out there and well, just generally had no clue. It actually warmed up when the sun was shining, but even so, just under an hour was enough for me!
(Caleb, on the other hand, could have stayed out there all day.)

What is he so excited about? The 40 degree weather, no doubt!

What is he doing with that baby walker toy, you ask?

Not sure. I was going to get rid of it and he found it outside.

It made him happy, though!

The sun was actually bothering Ariana's eyes.

Success as a mother: making your baby smile.

He's in a ditch. Stuck with his walker.

There's this huge ditch at the edge of our yard. Erosion? Yikes.

Gotta go do more of that today.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are sooooooo cute! Caleb reminds me so much of Declan with the facial expressions he makes. I love looking at pics of him! You take great photos!!


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