He manhandles her when necessary...
They are best of friends.
The story of our lives. Told by Mother. Who laughs.
They are best of friends.
Extra walking shoes purchased...
Sunglasses dug out in the dead of winter...
in preparation for our upcoming sunny trip!
Have you guessed where we're going?
The creativity of my three-year-old son is amazing. Here's a snippet - from his "schoolwork" - which is not really like school at all. He was asked to glue the fish anywhere on the paper (in the aquarium). He said that he wanted them in a circle, talking to each other. He was working on this particular one with his babysitter, who asked a few times, are you sure you don't want one swimming here, another swimming over there... No, he insisted on placing them in a circle, where they can talk to each other - and was concerned for the one on the bottom that got left out.
I can tell you, it's the most interesting aquarium scene I've ever seen!
"Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality."
Beatrix Potter
So out of the ordinary.
the order of the day is to play Play Dough with Caleb.
Caleb looks forward to it all day long, even mentions it to Daddy in the morning
as he is leaving for work: "Daddy, we'll play with Play Dough when you get home?"
I sure do appreciate Ron's dedication to this particular type of play.
This is actually not as bad as it was. The sorting here is already halfway done.
Actually, her cheeks were rosy before going outside. Saliva rash.
You're doing a great job trying to be DOUBLY excited to make up for her
uhm... lack of excitement
at trying to show off matching baby legs/shirt. You're a good boy.
I, too, thought that she might catch some of your enthusiasm.
However, it appears that she's not having it. I think she really needs a nap.