November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 - and then I cooked

It was a very relaxing Thanksgiving Day for us today. Amazingly, incredibly - I did NOT have to work today. Though the question of the morning was whether there will be a client phoning from England with an "urgent job," like last year. So we took the phone off the hook. Or didn't answer it. I forget which... You get the picture.

And then, I cooked... for the first time in a long, long time. It was so RELAXING. Much better than staring at a computer screen all day... I might even call it THERAPEUTIC.

(Wait. Thanksgiving dinner cooking therapeutic? Never thought I'd say that. In the past I might have called it "holidayish, traditional, my annual duty, non-creative drudgery in the kitchen on a holiday... okay, I'll stop.)

As I cooked, I also spent a little time documenting the cooking process. You know, just in case it never happens again. (This part was a bit annoying at the time, remembering to stop every so often to grab the camera and take a picture, but now it's nice to have the images to look back on.)

So, I hope you enjoy them (almost) as much as I have delighted in having a day without paperwork, computer (mostly), and dictionary. A day just to RELAX. Wow, what a novel idea.

Pumpkin cheesecake in progress

Hazelnut Chocolate Tart - done

You didn't think I'd stop at just one dessert, did you?

My homemade cranberry sauce. Simmered in a nice full-bodied red.

Ahh, the disheveled chef. Really not a good picture of me.

But... look at my cute baby! She joined me for part of the cooking.

I said no computer, but I'll let you in on a little secret...

I DID check my e-mail once or twice through the day.

What is Thanksgiving without apples? They are a MUST in my stuffing.

Little blue-gray eyed passenger

The table is set...

The turkey is ready...

Toddler's Kefir is served...


1 comment:

  1. Húú, ezt a menüt én is megkóstoltam volna szívesen!:)


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