March 31, 2009

25 weeks

I had my 25 week appointment with the midwife on Monday and it was a rather unremarkable visit, which lasted all of 20 minutes. The only part of the visit that was vaguely interesting, though not at all out of the ordinary, was the trouble I had with depositing the requisite urine sample. By the looks they give me every time I respond to the question of "can you give a sample?" with an "I'm still working on it" as I grin and clutch my water bottle, you'd think I'm the only pregnant woman who has trouble peeing on command. I guess we're not supposed to have difficulty in this area, right? Right.

So there I am, 20 minutes after finishing my bottle, attempting to deposit a sample... THINKING ABOUT WATER... mountain streams, waterfalls, the ocean! And finally, success. Except I almost missed actually collecting the specimen. Oh, the hardships put upon us by modern prenatal care! :)

In other pregnancy-related news, my blood pressure is back up from the almost dead (108/58) to a more normal 127/78. I think, having recently resumed my 1-cup/morning coffee habit may have something to do with that. Baby's heartbeat, as expected, was also a little higher, in the 160s. She continues to measure a little bigger than her age.

Other than that, there's not much else to report. I am feeling very well, I'm one of those people who doesn't get any pregnancy symptoms really, and even the lower abdominal stretching pains I had early in the pregnancy have now disappeared. I am looking decidedly pregnant; surprisingly I've gotten to this stage much faster this time than the first time around. So it looks like I will have to buckle and buy some maternity clothes for the last few months. (Last time, I existed in black pants and a few choice maternity tops in the last trimester, which was winter, but I don't think I can get away with that through the humid heat of May, June, and July.)

I realized that I haven't posted any pictures of my blossoming belly as of yet and this pregnancy is nearing the third trimester!! We need to remedy that quickly, otherwise, Summer Baby may feel cheated out of being documented in her preborn days. (Though, I must point out, she has had more ultrasound pictures taken and posted than Caleb ever did. Which are actual pictures of her, instead of me.)

With both of us working so much, this is the best I have so far, but I'll get Ron to take more pictures in the coming weeks.

Summer Baby, safely tucked away in my 25-week tummy

- as currently seen from the outside world.

March 30, 2009

Face to Face

Face to Face
Photo of the Week
2009 Week 12

We went to see the horses for the first time after a long winter. Here Caleb greets the horse.

I love his little wave with all his fingers tightly closed.

You can tell by his expression that he is smitten.

Feeding the horse... what else? Leaves.

Other adorable moments followed. We went on a walk.

Caleb took off running down the hill, but when Levi was asked to watch over him

by holding his hand, they walked like this the rest of the way and back.

The 3-year-old leading the 2-year-old.

March 27, 2009

Moments from Our Day

Moment 1:

Caleb greets me in the morning with a kiss and a hug. He notices my baby tummy and greets the baby with a kiss and a hug, too. He then puts out his hand and says "Help?" - an offer to help me get up out of bed. It looks like I am raising a gentleman.

Moment 2:

We pull up to the bank and the teller asks, "Can he have an S-U-C-K-E-R?" - spelling it out. I smile and say, "Oh, no" thinking to myself, it's sweet of her to spell it out, but it's unnecessary, as he doesn't even know what a sucker is yet, and I'd like to keep it that way for a while.

Moment 3:

We go to the Mall with the sole purpose of riding the coin-operated cars there, as Caleb requested. I decide not to take the stroller this time, but hold his hand through the long walk in from the parking lot... in the rain. He does great. On the way back, I must let go for a second so I can hit the unlock button on my remote. My other hand is full of take-out food (another thing he requested). The moment I let go, the child takes off towards the curb, intent on heading over to the other side of the parking lot. I feel like a sheep herder, as I swiftly maneuver him back towards the car, with excited exclamations of food! drink! - just so he would comply. It works.

March 25, 2009

First introduction to Play-Doh

First introduction to Play-Doh
Photo of the Week
2009 Week 11

So I finally introduced Caleb to Play-Doh this week. He loved this new toy, though he didn't know just what to do with it at first. Initially, he didn't get into the tactile experience, but tried to stay clean and just arrange/rearrange my creations, and of course, make jokes. By the end of the week, after many play sessions with Daddy, who I must say is more talented at creating Play-Doh creatures than I am, Caleb was getting into the squishing as well.

Here are some of our initial creations...

It didn't take long for the jokes to come out. Here, our little Comedian is pretending to eat the Play-Doh, then pretending to be shocked about it. He entertains us every day with his funny faces and his great sense of humor.

And as always, he smiles on cue for the camera!

March 22, 2009

First signs of Spring


by Robert McCracken

Today is the day when bold kites fly,

When cumulus clouds roar across the sky.

When robins return, when children cheer,

When light rain beckons spring to appear.

Today is the day when daffodils bloom,

Which children pick to fill the room,

Today is the day when grasses green,

When leaves burst forth for spring to be seen.

March 19, 2009

Humor on St. Patrick's Day

The below email correspondence with a client (project manager) took place on St. Patrick's Day. The rare show of cluelessness gave me and my husband more than a few chuckles.

Client: Hi, I have a new job here for translation. I have attached the ITD to work into, as well as the source...

[I look at the source file. I realize that it is identical to a document I proofread and sent to him this morning. So, the job has been translated and proofread already.]

Me: Hi, Didn't I just do the proofing on this job this morning?

[Surely, he will quickly note his error.]

Client: You did it for Finnish - can you not work into Hungarian as well

[Really??! Thanks for informing me what language I translate. Cause apparently, I must have forgotten. And honestly, this sounds like: What good are you? Can you only speak one obscure language?]

Me: Finnish? I don't speak Finnish. I did it for the Hungarian language.

[What I really want to say: Are you drinking, man? I know it's St. Patrick's Day and all, but come on! Seriously, are you in a bar, typing this out on your Blackberry with one finger?]

March 17, 2009

Just me and my "Macka"

Just me and my "Macka"
Photo of the Week
2009 Week 10

Caleb loves this bear.
This day at the park, he brought his "Macka" (his pronunciation of the Hungarian maci).
We were there for an hour and a half and that bear never left his arms.
He held on to it, as he smiled for the camera...

He held on to it as he enjoyed the swing...

He held on as we walked all through the park,

skipping and jumping...


and running...

Lucky bear.

March 16, 2009

Creative Weekend

This weekend was a huge work weekend for me. I had 7 projects due on Monday, and that was after I had to turn down no less than 4 others, due to my regrettably limited abilities as a human.

Weekend means nothing when you're a freelancer, as a matter of fact, the impending weekend often signals the beginning of more concentrated work without the constant interruption of e-mail messages and phone calls from desperate clients who need your professional assistance this very minute. During the weekend, the freelancer knows that (most of) these clients are happily out of their offices, enjoying time with their loved ones, or they are having what's otherwise called... a life.

Not so the freelancer, at least not this weekend, but at least she did have some interesting projects to speak of. Amongst all the medical reports, scientific articles, and SSA documents, there was a little gem. A copywriting assignment. A creative project. Where I actually get to think and write creatively, instead of just regurgitating the words of others.

These projects only come along a few times a year, and they are more challenging than the straight translation, yet they come as a refreshing break, even in the midst of a really crazy work weekend. (Which, you know, isn't really a week-end at all.)

Inspiration from a bulletin board

March 11, 2009

Sitting on a bus

We were supposed to go to the Children's Museum that day.
Unbeknownst to us, they are closed on Mondays.
What do you do when the place is closed,
yet your toddler expects a fun family day?

You improvise. Look! A BUS! Let's sit on it!

Sitting on a bus

Photo of the Week

2009 Week 9

We sat on a bug, too.

And stood on a bench.

Ran around the parking lot.

Stood under another bug.

This is what we came here to do, really! Wasn't that fun?

(Luckily, he's still easy to entertain.)

March 7, 2009

March Came in with a Blizzard

Last Sunday, they called for 12 inches of snow. I laughed, in disbelief. It was March 1st. Later that evening, to my astonishment, it started to snow.

The next morning, we woke up to 8 inches of fluffy white covering everything in sight, the most snow we've had all season. The three of us were up at dawn and immediately began discussing plans to go outside later to play in the snow. Some of us (Caleb) watched the slowly gathering morning light with impatient expectation. Some of us (Daddy) got to work on clearing the snow at the first ray of sunlight. Some of us (Mommy) were diligently capturing it all on film.

A week later, the last and best snow day of the season is a distant memory. It is in the 80s today, and it looks like Spring has sprung.

However, we can't leave Winter behind without first showing you the fun we had that day, in our very own Snowy Woods Behind Our House.

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