December 4, 2008

Two Months

Here's the first photo of our Summer Baby.

We heard the heartbeat, a strong 169 bpm. (I was looking at Caleb's old ultrasound pics and his was even faster at this point: 178 bpm!) Everything looks fine, and it was confirmed that there is only 1 baby. You can see the head, and the little arm and leg stumps. The tail is almost gone.

I've been through this once before, yet it still amazes me that a human life, barely in existence for 6 weeks, looking like a little tadpole the size of a gummy bear, can already have a heartbeat. When a mother first hears that heartbeat, it is the most amazing confirmation that, indeed, new life has begun.

My calculations were right: our due date is July 12th.


  1. What a sweet and cute baby! Such a blessing!

  2. Just catching up a little here... Congrats on #2! How wonderful.


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