November 23, 2008


Welcome everyone, to our new homepage!

This has been in the works for some time, for various reasons, one of which is that I ran out of space at the old site: Our Baby Story. Another one: our baby will be turning 2 next month and won't be a baby anymore, exactly.

If you are family or if you've been following us for a while, I hope you like the new place. Please make yourself at home here. I've tried to make this place very similar to the page you had gotten used to over the past couple of years. One of the differences, as you will notice, is the banner at the top, which will have a different photo featured every month or season. Also, in the sidebar, I have a booklist that links to Amazon. These are some of the books I have read and highly recommend.

Oh, and I almost forgot: Twitter. Every once in a blue moon, I chatter on there. They're mostly short little notes/updates on Caleb. Sometimes they are random thoughts, not worthy of a blog post. You now get to see my random thoughts. Don't you feel lucky?

I am still transfering some of my old content. Eventually, all that I have ever written will be accessible to you, right here.

Please mark this new homepage in your favorites. We hope that this will be our last move - at least for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. ARanka, congratulation for your new homepage! It's clear and nice.We are vaiting /unpatiently/ for the new NIKON pictures about your life.We like hearing and seeing You...puszi apuék


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