
I’m going to diverge from the usual subject of my Blog today to say a few words upon Jerry Falwell’s passing, which happened this morning.
I met Jerry Falwell in person once. When I was a student at his university, my sister and I were walking back from the movies one day, soon after we started our education there. As we were making the long trek up the hill, we noticed an SUV stop next to us. There was Jerry Falwell and another person, offering us a ride. We rode up and as we were getting ready to get out, Dr. Falwell handed us each a bill (I don’t remember exactly, but I believe it was $20). We were international students and didn’t have much money; the gesture was surely appreciated. But more than that, it showed me who Dr. Falwell is. A great leader, yes, but also a grandfather-type who truly cares about his students. It made me feel special and welcome at his university. I have never forgotton it. And over the years, every time I’ve seen Dr. Falwell, there was always a recognition in his eyes, a smile, and a wave for me. How he could remember me after all those years, I don’t know.
I admired Jerry Falwell for several things. He has lived a bold life. He has lived his life with the clear purpose of glorifying God. He has done some great things. He founded the Moral Majority. He awoke many Christians to the importance of getting involved in the political process, of taking responsibility for the course our country is on, and not just stand by and watch. He founded Liberty University, with it creating a positive place for young Christian men and women to go to for an education, and not just an education, but a place where they could meet people who inspire and encourage them in their Christian faith. I met many quality young people, who encouraged me through my years there. Whereas a secular university is a place of unbridled hedonism, selfish liberalism, a constant denial of God, and often great loneliness, the culture at Liberty University was one where purity, passion for God, and love for your fellow men was the norm. Although I disagreed with Dr. Falwell’s theology on certain points, I admired his commitment to his God. I admired how he got up at the break of dawn each morning to give the first time of the day in quiet dedication to God. I admired how being a devoted husband and father was a priority to him. I admired how he started from humble beginnings and has built, through faith, determination, and a purpose, a church and a university. His legacy will live on for many years. I can say of him that he ran the course purposed for him well. It makes me want to run the course purposed for me better.
So this day is sad, because he is gone from among us, but it is also a happy day, because he gets to meet his Lord. To Dr. Falwell, this day is a day of celebration and a day of receiving his well-earned crown. It is a day of going home.
I wrote a poem last year about The Heavenly Home and I think that this day would be a fitting day to present it here (English translation, Hungarian original below). This is my imagination. The reality, I’m certain, is much-much better.
I am dreaming –
Of a place that is Reality
It is past the skies, outside the solar system
And yet so near:
in my heart
I already see my home, where the King sits on His throne.
I see the glass sea and the golden street,
The pearl gates and the holy city
The pure water of life
God’s holy dwelling place
The new heavens and the new earth, where righteousness reigns.
Where a thousand years are like one day, and one day like a thousand years
Where we cease to count the time
Where there is no need for sun or moon, because God Himself shines as Light
Where the righteous see the face of God.
I am dreaming –
Of a place that is absolute Reality
Where the day never ends and the night never comes
Where there is no celestial body, yet the sunset remains:
God paints the sky with His word
In thousands of new spectrums of color.
Where the four seasons dwell next to each other
Yet, there is a perpetual Summer
and the flowers never wilt.
Where the most majestic mountains, rivers, islands, and oceans have been formed –
The Grand Canyon’s wonders cannot compare to this home.
I am dreaming –
Of a place, where all dreams come true
Where my Father is preparing me a dwelling not made by hand
Where all knowledge is freely given
And where God’s Word stands forever open.
Where trees clap their hands and mountains reverberate with the hymn of praise
I, too, echo their song!
With the piano, with the clarinet
And with every kind of instrument not learned,
With a loudly ringing voice
I praise the Lord in His mighty firmament!
I am dreaming of the place,
Where Moses, Abraham, and David also dwell
And many, many saints of the ages: all those, who loved God.
Angels look upon us with holy awe
As we cry with one heart and soul: Our Dear Papa!
And as we look at Him
– this is a great mystery –
we change to the same likeness as He.
I am dreaming.
Of a place, where man does not tire from his activities
Because an incorruptible, ever-young body he inherits
And our movements are not limited, the body does not hinder our freedom.
I slide down a rainbow and fly through azure skies
If I wish, like a bird.
The laws of time and space no longer stand in my way.
I cross swift rivers, glide down snow-covered mountains.
I touch the clouds. This is the land of possibilities.
I frolic with the whales, I run to and fro with the lions. A bird finds its perch on me.
Every animal lives in peace with man here, for there is no more fear.
Merrily I skip and hop through fields and forests
And every flower smiles for me along the way
Adventure awaits, exploration, and creative work too
Which bring joy without toil
I receive tasks suited to me from the Lord
And He brings the best out of me.
I serve Him and reign with Him
I see Him face to face
I know as I am known
and I inherit everything.
I am invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb
The Lord Jesus hosts the event.
I prepare myself, as His Bride
I put on my bright garment, in pure white.
Together we eat and drink of the new wine, we celebrate.
We become one with the Lord and are forever one with Him.
This is the most magnificent supper the universe has ever seen.
God’s deep love fills the atmosphere
There is never an end to the rejoicing, jubilee, and the dance.
One look from God wipes away every tear
No longer are the former things remembered.
God is everything in everything
His Person – an exciting, inexhaustible fountain
for an eternal lifetime.
I am dreaming of a place that is not just a dream:
It is my Home
Where there is fullness of joy on the right hand of God,
Delights forevermore.
Yes, where there are delights forever and evermore.
Álmodozom –
Egy olyan helyrõl, amely Valóság
Az egeken túl van, a naprendszeren kívül
Mégis oly közel:
a szívemben
látom már az én otthonom, hol a Király trónol.
Az üvegtengert és az aranyutcát,
A gyöngykapukat és a szent várost
Az élet kristálytiszta vizét
A mi Istenünk Szentséggel díszített lakhelyét
Az új eget és az új földet, ahol igazság lakozik.
Ahol ezer esztendõ olyan mint egy nap, és egy nap mint ezer esztendõ
Ezért nem számláljuk többé az idõt.
Ahol nincs szükség sem napra, sem holdra, mert Isten maga a Világosság.
Ahol az igazak meglátják Isten orcáját.
Álmodozom –
Egy helyrõl, mely színtiszta Valóság
Ahol soha nem ér véget a nap és az éjszaka soha el nem közelget
Hol égitest nincs, de naplemente van:
Isten szavával festi az égre
A színskála ezernyi új árnyalatát.
Ahol a négy évszak egyszerre lakozik egymás mellett
Mindazonáltal örökös a Nyár és nem hervad el a virág.
Ahol a legfenségesebb hegyek, folyók, szigetek és tengerek teremttettek –
A Grand Canyon csodája
Nem mérhetõ ezekhez.
Álmodozom –
Egy helyrõl, ahol minden álom valóra válik
Ahol nem kézzel épített hajlékot készít az Atyám
Ahol könyv nélkül megragadható minden tudomány
És Isten Igéje örökre nyitva áll.
Ahol tapsolnak a fák és a hegyek dícsõítõ himnusztól zengedeznek –
Zongorával, klarinéttal
És mindenféle nem tanult hangszerrel is,
Hangommal harsogón
Dícsérem az Urat az Õ hatalmának boltozatán!
Álmodozom arról a helyrõl,
Hol Mózes, Ábrahám és Dávid is lakozik
És az idõk sok-sok szentje: mindaz, aki Istent szerette.
Angyalok szent bámulattal tekintenek miránk
Amint egy szívvel-lélekkel kiáltjuk: Édesapucikánk!
És ahogy nézzük Õt
– ez nagy titok! –
ugyanazon ábrázatra elváltozunk.
Egy helyrõl, ahol nem fárad el az ember tevékenységétõl
Mert romolhatatlan, örökifjú testet örököl
És nincs korlát a mozgásban, a test nem gátolja a szabadságot.
Lecsúszok a szivárványon, azúrkék égbolton át szárnyalok
Ha kedvem tartja, mint a madár.
A tér s idõ törvénye már utamba nem áll.
Sebes folyót átszelem, csúszkálok a havas hegygerincen.
Megérintem a felhõket. Lehetõségek országa ez.
Játszok a bálnákkal, oroszlánokkal futkározok. Leszáll rám egy madár.
Minden állat békességben él az emberrel itt, mert a félelem már nem létezik.
Vidáman szökdécselek erdõkön-mezõkön át
S nevet nekem minden virág.
Vár a kaland, felfedezés, vár a kreatív munka
Mely fáradság nélkül ad örömöt
Hozzám illõ feladatot kapok az Úrtól,
A legjobbat hozza ki belõlem Õ.
Szolgálok Neki és uralkodok Vele
Színrõl-színre látom Õt
Úgy ismerek, mint ahogy engem is ismernek
És örökségül nyerek mindent.
A Bárány mennyegzõjére vagyok hivatalos
Megvendégel engemet az Úr Jézus.
Elkészítem magamat, mint Menyasszony
Ragyogó fehér ruhámat felöltöm.
Együtt eszünk és iszunk az új borból, ünnepelünk.
Egyesülünk és az Úrral örökre egyek leszünk.
A világmindenség legpompásabb vacsorája ez.
Isten mélységes szerelme betölti az atmoszférát
Soha nem ér véget az ujjongás, a vígasság és a tánc.
Isten pillantása eltöröl minden könnyet, rossz emléket
A régiek még csak meg sem említtetnek.
Isten lesz minden mindenben
Személye izgalmas, kimeríthetetlen forrás
egy örök életre.
Álmodozom egy olyan helyrõl, amely nem csak álom:
ez Otthonom
Hol teljes öröm van Isten jobbján,
Gyönyörûségek örökké.
Bizony, ahol gyönyörûségek vannak örökkön örökké.